In The News

Two Common Words – Resilience and Community (by Shelly King, Anglican Diocese of Edmonton, November 4, 2020)

Folio, May 9, 2019: COMMENTARY || Arab Muslim-Canadian high school students call for globalized curriculum to change stereotypes 

Christian-Muslim Dialogue (November 1, 2017, Anglican Diocese of Edmonton)

Who is my neighbour? – Rev. Scott Sharman (Animator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations for the Anglican Church of Canada)  (May 15, 2018, Ministry Matters)

May 2018: Response to Mill Woods Mosaic Editorial

December 6, 2017: Two friends, two faiths – Christian-Muslim Dialogue: Alberta (Canadian Mennonite)

January 27, 2016 Just One Hello from my Neighbor; “So won’t you say “hello”? Won’t you sit on the floor and have tea? Just step into their world, and show them how to step into yours.”

January 27, 2016 Marrakesh DeclarationExecutive Summary of the Marrakesh Declaration on the Rights of Religious Minorities in Predominantly Muslim Majority Communities

February 13, 2015: Candlelight Vigil to honour victims of Chapel Hill shooting; sponsored by Muslim Association of Canada-Edmonton Chapter (MAC-Edmonton)

November 25, 2014: “Living as Neighbours in the Global Community of Edmonton.” 1st Annual Interfaith Gathering; sponsored by the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI)-Edmonton, the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton and Charter for Compassion.

September 13, 2014 – Christian-Muslim Dialogue Event

October 17, 2015 Christian Muslim Dialogue Event